
Proscriptions of Sikhism refer to the certain religious prohibitions in Sikhism. There are a number of things that a Sikh is instructed to avoid, such as:

1. : In Sikhism, cutting hair is strictly forbidden. Sikhs are required to keep unshorn hair.

2. Intoxication: Consumption of alcohol, drugs, tobacco and any other intoxicant is not allowed.

3. Adultery: Adultery is percieved as against the code and conducts of the religion. It is obligatory for adults who are involved in sexual relations to be spouses.

4. Blind spirituality: The following of superstitions, rituals or myths are discarded; this includes making pilgrimages, fasting, circumcision, ritual purification, idolatrous and grave worship and compulsory wearing of the veil for women.

5. Material obsession: Over-accumulation of wealth is not encouraged.

6. Sacrifice of creatures: The practice of sati (widows throwing themselves on the funeral pyre of their dead husbands), ritual animal sacrifice to celebrate holy occasions etc. are proscripted.

7. Non-social/non-family oriented living: A Sikh is encouraged not to live as a recluse, beggar, yogi, monastic (mon/nun) or celibate.
